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Vintage hand-colored map of Connecticut from 1857

Vintage hand-colored map of Connecticut from 1857

This beautiful hand drawn map of Connecticut was created in 1857 by Laura Roys, a student who attended Hartford Female Seminary, an all-female academy in Hartford, Connecticut. The map is beautifully colored, with shades of blue, orange, red, pink, yellow, and violet adorning the border of each city and town.

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Nam aliquet convallis sapien, sed laoreet orci convallis ac. Sed sollicitudin metus vulputate nunc lacinia faucibus. Proin vehicula suscipit sodales. Cras vitae faucibus nisl. Sed porttitor ut sem quis efficitur. Aenean orci velit.

Bibendum id sollicitudin non, viverra ac orci. Quisque non est suscipit, molestie enim et, maximus dui. Phasellus finibus ornare neque, rhoncus bibendum nunc maximus quis. Praesent vitae felis mauris.

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