Affirmation for Success:

Good Things Now Come to Pass, the Unexpected Now Happens!

ImageBarta IV [Affirmation by KNOWOL – CC BY 2.0]

Beautifully restored map of Iowa City, Iowa from 1854

It has a high, beautiful and very healthy location upon the Iowa River, which is a bold deep stream of clear water, navigable with Steamboats during several months of each year, and commands the growing trade of a large scope of exceedingly fertile country, well timbered and watered.

Beautifully detailed map of Branford, Connecticut in 1905

Detailed bird’s eye view of Branford in the early 20th century.

How to eliminate stress from your life

Stress is caused by worry. Whether your worry be great or small, insignificant or trivial, most…

Ulysses S. Grant’s deathbed letter to his wife and children

With these few injunctions and the knowledge I have of your love and affection, and of the dutiful affection of all our children, I bid you a final farewell, until we meet in another and, I trust, a better world. You will find this on my person after my demise.